Saturday, May 09, 2009

MD Sheep & Wool Part 2

Going a little nuts here, with pictures! We left you in the last post at about noon. We'd seen the Ravelry group and met some friends. I kinda messed up the picture, but here's the good part. The AG, Brenda, and Donna seen having fun!

I think this is still at Carodan Farms, although I may be wrong. I was mainly interested in colours, as you can see!

If you think it's crowded on Sundays when you go to church, you should have been in these barns. Packing density approached a London Tube train during rush hours.

Where to Go Next ?
There's always a place for a well-placed sign.
Then we found this young lady in a tent stand, selling Monica Lenox spinning wheels. The AG, of course, went slightly gaga over the wheels, but why not. Then we found out that she was, in fact, the very real ML in person!

More Yarn

Next, we called in at Tintagel Farms. Again, great yarn and wonderful hues.

Here are some of the yarns they were offering. Once again, the colours are what I was looking at.

Unexpected Friends
So there we were, just walking along innocently after ducking out mid-afternoon, when the AG spots a badge, reads it, and recognises a pen pal from Ravelry, Jenjerpeach. She can be found at Rosie's in Philly. Whoops and greetings happened, of course.

Wheels for Yarn

Then we ducked back into a barn to find The Merlin Tree, Manufacturier de Rouet, with some really neat things for sale.

More Yarn !

Of course, it didn't take long for the AG to find yet more yarn!

And I couldn't resist these colours either !

I have no idea what the Blogger is doing to the layout, but what this looks like in Compose is waaay different from how it shows up when published. So I had to put all the pictures in at small-size. Oh yes, and don't put text between pictures if your viewers are using IE 7. Sorry !

That's all the pictures for now - one more batch and we'll be done!

1 comment:

Tola said...

but as ever, one can clickety for biggety.

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