Monday, June 25, 2018

The Three Fundamental Principles of Programming

Well! Quite a serious topic!

A very long time ago, over an amount of beer that I suspect would be termed "binge drinking" these days (but was simply normal daily intake then!), I came up with some advice for beginning programmers.
The more I see modern bloopers the more I think that maybe these should be taught in school!

There are only three, and below are some explanations.
  1. If you don't absolutely, positively, have to do it, then simply just don't !!
  2. Perspective! Remember where your towel is!
  3. If it's getting really really really difficult then don't do it like that!


  1. a.k.a. wasting cpu cycles is the ultimate sin and you will be inserted into a DEC RP04 for your stay in Hell!
  2. You can go swimming in a pool full of people and not forget this; don't forget why you're writing your code!
  3. The the whole universe runs on e = mc**2 so just how hard can programming be?
    If it's getting really tough then either you're doing it the wrong way or else you're doing the wrong thing!

Finally, before wrapping up, 
a mandatory cat-picture 

because,..... well, ....... because 

this is the InterNet, you know, 

and cat pictures get everywhere!

And that's it. 
(from Cu Chulainn and me!)

Found Food

I have published quite a few recipes here on my blog over the last few years, and I hope that all my readers have tried at least some of the...