A very long time ago, over an amount of beer that I suspect would be termed "binge drinking" these days (but was simply normal daily intake then!), I came up with some advice for beginning programmers.
The more I see modern bloopers the more I think that maybe these should be taught in school!
There are only three, and below are some explanations.
- If you don't absolutely, positively, have to do it, then simply just don't !!
- Perspective! Remember where your towel is!
- If it's getting really really really difficult then don't do it like that!
- a.k.a. wasting cpu cycles is the ultimate sin and you will be inserted into a DEC RP04 for your stay in Hell!
- You can go swimming in a pool full of people and not forget this; don't forget why you're writing your code!
The the whole universe runs on e = mc**2 so just how hard can programming be?
If it's getting really tough then either you're doing it the wrong way or else you're doing the wrong thing!
Finally, before wrapping up,
a mandatory cat-picture
because,..... well, ....... because
this is the InterNet, you know,
and cat pictures get everywhere!
And that's it.
(from Cu Chulainn and me!)